Back to School

Chiropractic Tips for Back to School

Kids are going back to school, there is no better time to prepare yourself and your child for all the semester may bring. Re-establishing routines, shopping for clothes and getting school supplies are all necessary preparations, but your child’s physical and mental health also should not be forgotten. At Walker Chiropractic, we prioritize spine health to ensure your children’s comfort at school so they can make the most of their education. We provide chiropractic care on kids and all members of your family.

Choosing Backpacks

Children carry around a lot of material on their backs while at school. It is necessary to be well-prepared, but too much weight becomes uncomfortable and can lead to neck and back pain. When shopping for backpacks, be sure it is also ergonomically inclined to support chiropractic health. Check backpacks for back and shoulder padding to cushion the weight. Also, look for adjustable straps that allow the pack to sit high and tight yet comfortably. Be sure to confirm that there is adequate storage to distribute the weight of their supplies properly. As a good general rule, a full backpack should be no more than 10-20 percent of your child’s body weight.

Maintaining Posture

Being in school all day typically consists of sitting at desks for long hours. Although this cannot be eliminated, maintaining good posture while seated throughout the day reduces the strain placed on the spine. Be sure to sit straight up and look at computer monitors straight ahead. Students should avoid sitting hunched over and bending their necks. Standing and moving around as much as possible throughout the school day also helps to reduce the amount of tension in your child’s neck, back, and shoulders.

Getting a Good Night’s Rest

Getting sufficient sleep at night is also essential to your child’s chiropractic health and success in school. We recommend eight hours of sleep or more to make certain your child’s mind and body are alert to make the most of their school day. Be sure to ask your chiropractor about the best mattresses and pillows for spine and neck health.

Visit Us

Maintaining spine health is an important asset to preparing children to perform their beast in school. Walker Chiropractic is dedicated to maintaining and improving spine and nervous system health for people of all ages. Ask us about chiropractic care on kids so we can help your student this school year!

Chiropractic Tips for Back to School