Chiropractors locate and correct vertebral subluxations. A chiropractic subluxation occurs when a vertebra has moved from its normal position in relation to the vertebrae above and below to a degree that it interferes with the conduction of the nervous system at that level.
Bones get twisted and pinch the nerves. We locate where the bones are twisted, remove the twists, and unpinch the nerves.
Conditions that frequently improve when subluxations are removed include headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, low back pain, carpal tunnel, radiating pain down the arms and legs, sciatica, colic, constipation,

Absolutely! One of the biggest physical traumas we are exposed to is the birthing process. Every child should be checked for subluxation after birth. No age is too young. The method for adjusting an infant is far different and much gentler than an adult’s adjustment. Reflux, constipation, colic, ear infections, and sleep cycles can all respond favorably when subluxations are removed with chiropractic care. Significant reductions in scoliotic curves are seen in young children under chiropractic care. Remember, as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

We are a preferred provider for all major medical health insurance policies in the state of Georgia.
Almost all major health insurance companies offer chiropractic benefits. We are happy to check your benefits for you or you can reach out to your health insurance company to find out if your policy covers chiropractic care. We also offer affordable self-pay options to those without coverage. Tricare does not have any chiropractic benefits.
We offer discounts to all active military servicemen and servicewomen. Please refer to the” Got your 6 Plan” under the following link: https://augustachiro.com/plans-and-specials/

No. No one requires a medical referral to be seen by a Doctor of Chiropractic. The exception to this rule is if the Veteran’s Administration sends a patient to us for care. In this case, the VA makes the referral.

“Chiropractic adjustments usually do not hurt. Adjustments to certain joints in the spine or extremities may feel slightly uncomfortable or pressure, but once the adjustment is performed you should not feel pain. In general, patients enjoy being adjusted and like the way that the adjustment feels. The
adjustment also helps relax the patient.

If it is your first time ever being adjusted, you may experience slight soreness or discomfort for 12-24 hrs. following the first adjustment. This is relieved by ice and stretching and will subside if it happens at all. Most Doctors of Chiropractic will inform their patients that in response to their first adjustment it is very common to feel sore or "like you worked out" type of discomfort following the adjustment. The adjustment helps restore the alignment of the spine and puts motion back into the joint that is hypo-mobile (not moving in its full range of motion) this stretches tissues (muscle, tendons, ligaments) that have been fixed or tight before the adjustment and in general when you feel that soreness this is typically why. You are breaking up adhesions that have restricted the joint and stretching the tissues that are causing some of the pain/symptoms the patient had previously.”

-Kyle True (DC)

We do accept Veterans Choice. If a veteran can get a referral from their doctor, they will have a certain number of approved visits afforded to them.

The profession of chiropractic recognizes that the nervous system controls and coordinates every function of the body. Chiropractic subluxations interfere with nerve transmission. We do not treat conditions per se. We remove subluxations which in turn reduce or eliminate nerve pressure. The body is then able to heal itself. There are limitations to matter. However, with chiropractic care the body has an optimal environment to express health. Symptoms and conditions frequently subside as the body repairs itself.

When a joint is pushed to its end range of motion, gas pockets surrounding the joint being adjusted is released. This release of air can make a “popping” noise. Think of it as a release of pressure. However, the actual noise (cavitation) is irrelevant.

Many people seek out chiropractic care with symptoms of neck pain, headaches, pain radiating into the arms, mid-back pain, low back pain, sciatica, TMD, shoulder pain, hip pain, wrist pain/carpal tunnel, knee pain, ankle pain, etc.
None. It is our culture to fix a problem than to proactively take care of our health. One exception is dental care. Most people go to the dentist not only when they have a problem but to prevent issues from arising. Chiropractic is meant to be a proactive health profession. People frequently have spinal conditions that they are unaware of. Some examples of these are scoliosis and other abnormal curvatures of the spine, spinal degeneration, spondylolistheses, and chiropractic subluxations just to name a few. There can be nerve interference that goes undetected because the pressure isn’t on the fibers that elicit pain. Everyone should be checked. How much more important is our spine than even our teeth?!

As with any daily activity there is some inherent risk.  There is approximately a 1 in 5.85 million chance that a vertebral artery dissection will occur.  http://www.acatoday.org/Patients-Why-Choose-Chiropractic-Chiropractic-A-Safe-Treatment-Option