lower back pain

Chiropractic Help for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is the most common pain reported in the United States, with approximately 25 percent of U.S. adults reporting it in the past three months. Anyone who has ever experienced it knows how debilitating the pain can be.
People often turn to pain medication, including opioids and narcotics, to fix lower back pain. There are several problems with pain medications:

• They only mask the pain and do not fix the problem.
• They can have harsh side effects.
• Pain medications can be addictive and are prone to overuse.

The best way to fix lower back pain is to address the problem, and it always is better for your health and wellbeing to use natural, holistic treatments that urge your body to heal itself. That’s why you should see a chiropractor for lower back pain. In addition to reducing pain, chiropractic treatment has many benefits, including improved posture, reduced blood pressure, and more.
Chiropractors use hands-on manipulation of your spine to fix lower back pain. The vertebrae in your back can get out of alignment through everyday activities such as walking, exercise, housework, and more.
When the vertebrae get out of alignment, a few things happen that shouldn’t. Nerve signals between your brain and the rest of your body do not travel a freely as they should. Muscles also have to compensate and pull in ways they were not meant to, which leads to lower back pain.

Chiropractors such as Dr. Chris Walker understand the importance of keeping your back – and neck and joints – aligned. Chiropractors rely on years of training to find misalignments – known as subluxations – and fix them. By realigning your spine, Dr. Walker gets your body back to working as it should, which reduces lower back pain – without medications or surgery.
Chiropractors don’t just fix lower back pain. You can see a chiropractor for neck pain, migraines, joint pain, and many other conditions.
Contact Walker Chiropractic today to learn more about how all-natural chiropractic treatment can help fix lower back pain.

Chiropractic Help for Lower Back Pain