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Chiropractic and Golf

Golf is a favorite pastime for many people in the area. In March, when the weather is generally mild and Augusta is turning its focus to the Big Tournament, local golf courses are filled with players. Even though it is generally considered a low-impact sport, golf can still cause injuries. Walker Chiropractic is here to help golfers recover from injuries, prevent future injuries and improve their games.

What are some of the most common golf injuries?

Some of the most common golf injuries we treat at Walker Chiropractic include:

  • Golfer’s elbow: This is a type of repetitive strain injury that affects the tendons on the inside of the elbow.
  • Low back pain: The twisting and rotational movements involved in the golf swing can cause strains or sprains in the lower back.
  • Shoulder injuries: The repetitive motion of the golf swing can cause damage to the shoulder joint.
  • Knee injuries: Golfers are at risk of knee injuries, such as ligament sprains, due to the weight transfer and pivoting involved in the swing.
  • Wrist injuries: The impact of hitting the ball can cause wrist sprains or fractures, and repetitive motions can lead to tendonitis.

How do chiropractors help golfers?

Chiropractors such as Dr. Chris Walker, of Walker Chiropractic, are specially trained and uniquely qualified to treat these common injuries. Chiropractic treatment can reduce pain in a few ways:

  • Spinal adjustments: Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine. Misalignments, also known as subluxations, can cause nerve interference and disrupt the communication between the brain and the body. By realigning the spine, chiropractic adjustments can relieve pressure on the nerves and reduce pain.
  • Soft tissue therapy: Repetitive motion injuries often involve strain and inflammation in the muscles and other soft tissues. Chiropractors may use various soft tissue therapies, such as massage, trigger point therapy or stretching, to help reduce inflammation and improve muscle function.
  • Rehabilitation exercises: Chiropractors may recommend exercises or stretches to help strengthen weak muscles or improve flexibility. By doing so, patients can reduce the strain on their muscles and joints during repetitive motions, which can help prevent further injury.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Chiropractors may also recommend lifestyle modifications, such as ergonomic adjustments to workstations or changes to exercise routines, to help reduce repetitive motion injuries.

Chiropractic and Golf