lady at kitchen counter blowing her nose

Can chiropractic care help with your allergy symptoms?

Anyone who deals with allergies knows how annoying they can be. Sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sore throat and skin rashes are among the symptoms that can ruin your day.

Most people treat their allergies with medication, nasal sprays and skin ointments. These treatments can be very effective, but like any other medications, they often have annoying side effects. Did you know that many people who receive regular chiropractic care have reported a reduction in allergy symptoms?

Exactly what causes allergies is not known, but doctors and researchers have linked outside factors such as stress and anxiety to the way your body reacts to allergens. Stress has been proven to cause and prolong the symptoms of allergies. We also know that a strong immune system can reduce or eliminate many allergy symptoms.

Your immune system and nervous systems are interdependent, meaning they directly affect one another. It stands to reason that treatment and correction of the nervous system will lead to positive results when it comes to allergies. That’s where chiropractic care comes into play.

Chiropractic care for the allergy relief

Dr. Chris Walker uses gentle adjustments to increase and restore communication from your brain to your nervous system. By doing this, your body can better regulate and strengthen your immune system, which lowers the antibodies that cause you to have an allergic reaction. Isn’t it amazing how everything in your body is linked like that?

Remember when we said that stress can make allergies worse? Well, one of the well-known effects of regular chiropractic treatment is a reduction in stress. As you feel stress and begin to tense up, your spine can move. Your chiropractic adjustment will help restore function to your body and reduce muscle tension caused by stress.

And remember those allergy medication side effects we mentioned? Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of chiropractic care is that it is 100% medicine-free and holistic, which means no annoying side effects!

Contact Walker Chiropractic today

Regular chiropractic treatment goes a long way in your overall physical and mental wellness. Just imagine how great you could feel if your body is well-aligned and your brain can effectively communicate with the rest of your body! If you suffer from allergies and want to try an all-natural treatment with many benefits – not side effects – contact Walker Chiropractic today!

Can chiropractic care help with your allergy symptoms?